This website aims to present a new economic paradigm, based on Commons production. Our goal is to find a model to create a really Free World. In this world, an increasing share of things or products would be made available for free. Our proposal aims to be also sustainable - in an ecological as well as in an economical sense.
We call the model we’re basing our Incentive Based Circular Commons Production. The model combines concepts like Commons based Peer Production, Circular economies, Weighted Labor, Zero Marginal Cost and Post-scarcity.
Our goal is not only to draw an utopia but to provide a proposal for a concrete roadmap for the transition from Capitalist market-based economy to a Commons economy. The transition concept is based on incentives, not only on altruism, and much less on (political) coercion. We don’t need a political revolution to achieve our goals - everybody can start contributing now!
We want to point out that our proposal is not a fixed one - it’s open to revisions and further research.